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What Happened to Rachel From Extreme Weight Loss

As one of our first husband-wife couples e'er on Extreme Weight Loss, Jason and Rachel?s journey was unforgettable. What is life like post-prove for the Cornellier?southward? Rachel gives united states all of the answers to how they are staying on track while juggling a busy life with two kids .

Extreme Weight Loss - Where are they now? Jason and Rachel Cornellier - Learn more at

HP: I know the reply to this i already, but readers want to hear information technology from you lot! Tell us what life was like for you when Extreme Weight Loss ended.

RC: While Jason and I were and so grateful for the feel of the concluding twelvemonth, and for Chris? and your help, we were no doubt looking forrard to our ?new normal?. The prove is called ?Farthermost Weight Loss? for a reason. ? We were looking frontward to taking everything that we had learned and applying it to our new lives, merely to also cover our new lives going forward.

HP: You and Jason both lost amazing amounts of weight, and I know life has changed for yous because of that. Besides weight loss, what else accept y'all seen alter in your lives?

RC: This yr truly gave us courage in other ways. Our twelvemonth with you guys helped united states of america believe in ourselves a niggling more. Really, A LOT more than. For me, it gave me the backbone to really practice something that I really wanted to do: Host a "Reha Lana" Consignment Upshot in my own home state of Michigan.

HP: Sounds heady!! I?ve never heard of information technology, and so I must know more than! Tell me a piffling about it and why this is something yous are so passionate about.

RC: When we lived in Northwest Arkansas, I was introduced to my start e'er children?south assignment upshot. Moms and families are able to consign their wearable, babe items, toys, books and more at their events.

This provides a great opportunity for families to stretch their dollars at dwelling house. Not only can families consign, but they tin shop at these events besides?and find amazing deals! When I first attended a Rhea Lana?s effect I was and so impressed at everything I found?in wonderful shape and for a skillful price. I couldn?t await for the next upshot so that I was able to consign some of my ain children?due south vesture?and I did and fabricated some cracking money while doing so. I was hooked.

HP: I?m so happy for yous, Rachel! I think it?due south safe to say, you lot are making your dreams come true ?.

RC: Yeah!

When we moved back to Michigan I was disappointed that in that location were not consignment events in Michigan, simply I didn?t really intend to do anything about it. Jason and I had talked near it a little flake, but truthfully I just didn?t have the backbone to first a business organisation venture all on my own. Not back then then, anyway.

Only now, with my newfound courage, I am at present pursuing my dreams, Next calendar week, we are hosting the first Rhea Lana?s event ever in Michigan! Our local moms can do good from an awesome experience like this.

HP: Taking on a big, fourth dimension consuming project similar this, how are you staying on track to maintain your weight loss…and juggle the twins?!

RC: Has life been a trivial scrap crazier preparing for this effect? Admittedly. Merely information technology is a good kind of crazy. Also, just because we take been busy planning for our upshot doesn?t requite united states of america free reign to consume any we desire and not do. If there is anything that you both taught us this last year is that nosotros never have to make any excuses again. There are e'er good food choices, sometimes you only take to expect harder or prepare a niggling ameliorate. And practise? Well, you actually can do squats and lunges anywhere.

And so if y'all visit our sale and encounter me doing squats around the store, y'all will know why. ?

HP: Thanks, Rachel! I take a feeling this is the start of yet another huge chapter of your lives!

Rhea Lana's - Learn more at

If you are in the Detroit, Michigan area, check out Rachel's website to come across how you can bring together in the fun!

half-dozen Responses

  1. This is wonderful. Inspirational. Motivational. Thank yous.

  2. I'm pitiful but just because you are on food stamps does not mean yous can't beget to eat healthy. Period. I used to tell myself that too. Y'all should Google how to eat healthy on a upkeep.

  3. Awesome! I loved watching this couple'due south journey- and then inspiring!

  4. This is and so cool! I know a mom that I think could do good from this!

  5. I actually adore what yous all do BUT I honestly believe that these reality shows are stereotyped… I have All the same to see ane of these shows or you guys as individuals actually work with someone like me, disabled, forced to live on food stamps, expected to buy salubrious food when all nosotros can beget is junk that make usa fatter and sicker… You guys aid people that tin can afford a chief if they really wanted information technology… Reach out to us, past not doing so, your showing u.s.a. we're NOT worthy of saving… Taking on i person like me can bear witness 80% of America how to eat healthy, work around disabilities, fixed incomes and let them know THEY ARE worth it… I know my annotate hateful nix to yous guys but I promise you that it Will hateful something to the 80% existence forced to live this way…

    1. Dear Robin Immature,
      I am disabled, too. I salvage money on produce past ownership frozen fruit and vegetables. I buy organic chicken in a tin, and short grain rice, and canned beans. I wish you luck!

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