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The Noodley Light Up Stuffed Bear Revolutionized My Kid’s Bedtime - Fatherly

There is a curious glow coming from my children's bedroom shifting lightly through a rainbow of colors. And in roughly 10 proceedings the glow leave be destroyed, leaving my children snoring contentedly in a dark board. The source of the gentle is The Noodley LED Rainbow Teddy Endure, my best chum in the struggle of bedtime.

My two boys have a difficult family relationship with the dark. Which is to say it freaks them extinct. And I get it. Everything they've ever register or seen seems to confirm to them that the dark is populated past monsters and scary creatures. That's why, every night before bed, for at least the last two years, we engage in an illumination negotiation: "Can you entrust the hallways light on? Can you keep the hall light off and the bathroom light on? Can we plug the nightlight back in? Give notice we put option a brighter bulb in the lamp?"

I know having lights on isn't the best solvent. It's not great for getting the boys to sleep and it's non great for keeping them asleep when they do finally shut their eyes. IT's also against my ethos of conserving electricity. Notwithstandin, I've been wide-open for solutions.

We've tried special Night lights that project setting on the cap. We've tried smart bulbs that change color and shaping glowing orbs. But no of these lights have done much to curb my kids unrelenting desire for comforting light. But then, I was given the opportunity to introduce them to The Noodley LED Rainbow Teddy Bear.

The Noodley has a history of LED-enclosed kid-stuff. Most notably, they sell light-up gloves and hats, which au fond turn any room in the home into an instant nightclub. Their plush rainbow striped Teddy is a bit of a departure though no less nifty.

Press IT's mit once and the bear's body lights ascending from the at bottom with a constellation of hushed, red-glowing LED lights. Press the mit twice and the lights easy cycle done a rainbows worth of colors. Interestingly, the addition of the lights makes the bear no less cuddly. And it is fantastically cuddly. Not only does IT have reasonable the right "squish," but the furry fabric is also unqualified and soft to the sense of touch.

Because my kids have a tendency to share a bed, the teddy bear was an instant smash. The first night they jell it between them and drifted off to sleep very quickly. There was no discussion about lightness because they held the elucidation 'tween them.

Even after I assumed the novelty would clothing off The Noodley stand continuing to provide the perfect nightlight for my kids. And every bit a bonus for my peace of mind, an inside timer stops turns off the LEDs after 10-proceedings, going the children in a dark room optimized for sleep.

I've been wildly impressed with the bears durability as well and so have otherwise parents that have used information technology. The chamber of a little kid is no easy place for a full rodent-like. But the LED bear has remained intact and glowing nighttime later night.

Concisely, if you own kids who canful't sleep without lights or stuffed animals, consider this psychedelic stuffed animal. It's a nice friend for kids to have in the darkness.

Buy Nowadays $22
